Thursday 14 January 2010

RE: Play.

Dear James,
I am writing to you in response to your post on the OUDS job shop. My name is Sharon Routledge, I am a first year at St. Hilda's and passionate about plays dealing with the persecution of homosexuals. I have a great deal of experience with silent roles and indeed have been assigned them almost exclusively since my acting debut in my primary school's nativity, where, in the words of one parent, I was 'upstaged by Mary's placenta'.
I trust you have never been subjected to (negative) comparison with divine afterbirth, but as you can imagine it does nothing for an impressionable young girl's self-esteem and since then I have been unable to speak on stage. I am then, in a word, ideal. Among my none-speaking roles in plays based in or around the second W.W. I have played the List in 'Schindler's List', a drape and subsequent dress in 'The Sound of Music' and exfoliator in 'Shaving Ryon's Privates'. I look forward to what will undoubtedly prove an exciting and challenging experience.

Yours sincerely, Sharon

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